Each day students are asked questions, given assignments, quizzed, tested and talked to about school. All of this activity is supposed to tell teachers if the student is making academic progress. The progress is based on what we, as educators, have determined a student should know at a particular date and age. Parents and students get report cards with grades on them so that they can measure school performance. What purpose does all of this talk about progress and grading serve? The talk is about effective teaching and learning!
We are all, parents, teachers and students, using this information to determine what a student knows and what we need to teach or learn next. The difficult part is getting the student involved in this process. Setting goals, talking with teachers, and understanding what students need to be ready for the next grade is not easy or simple. However, when we take the time and put in place the resources for students to become involved it works. AMS has committed itself to providing this support during the day by getting students more time with teachers, in small groups, during the school day with our 40 minute, three times each week, Go Knights! period. Students not only have time with teachers but can work on projects, do research, make up test, and work with peer tutors without missing class time!
Knowing that students are the most important part to the learning process, we have to be creative in getting them the time they need to learn. When students have confidence in their abilities they are willing to work hard and demonstrate what they know. AMS is committed to making sure every student is ready to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and demanding world. That's why we say "Go Knights!!"